touch and dance improvisation transmission, creation and research
toucher et improvisation dansée transmission, création et recherche
Liselotte Singer & Collaborators

Lille Pont de Bois, Lille - Jun. 2021
From May to June 2020, a few months after the beginning of the pandemic of COVID-19 the three of us decided to meet twice a week in the studio to keep working with touch (Rosegarden in Berlin). We did so in order to preserve our mental health and help each other facing the distress caused by the new situation. Like everybody else we were confronted with the questions of how to keep bonding and relating through the panic and how to keep moving through a feeling of distrust towards our kind. While being aware of the quasi illegality of this process in the complexity of the situation at that time, session after session we swifted and swirled inside what we called a «Choreography of Pleasure». In this one week of residency in the studio of the University of Lille in June 2021, we dug further into the potential of our touching trio. Experiencing deep changes of states and thinking more and more of a performance, today we wonder how to articulate the microscopic heat waves created by our touch with the meeting of each of our artistic interests of (contact) improvisation, somatic and care practices, physical theater, Queer and Trickster approaches to life and work, practices of consent and radical liberation, into a choreography ? How to manifest the fractures brought by the topic of touch and utopically, in its current impossibility, and work towards a shared touched experience with an audience? How to exude our shapes to inhabit the tension of this (im)possibility?